AMRUT, Housing For All and Smart Cities Mission

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Smart Cities Mission & Housing for All Mission - AMRUT

AMRUT Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) and the Smart Cities Mission

Prime Minister of India Narendramodi said at launch of AMRUT these urban development schemes were not prepared by the Government alone, but involved perhaps the biggest consultation exercise ever taken by the Union Government, involving all stakeholders and examining global best practices. The Prime Minister gave a simple vision of a smart city, as one which was a step or two ahead of people's aspirations. Technology, transportation, energy efficiency, walk-to-work, cycling etc were some elements mentioned by the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister said the Government is sensitive to consumer protection, and towards ending undue harassment, especially with regard to housing. He said one Bill towards this end has already been introduced in Parliament. 

PM launches the AMRUT mission

Modi urged urban leaders to contribute to doing something for the good of the people. He said the people assembled in Vigyan Bhawan today, had on them the collective responsibility for better quality of life for 40 percent of India's population that either lived in cities, or were dependent on cities for their livelihood. He said the aspirations of migrants from rural areas, and slum dwellers, have to be balanced with the changing global environment. He said ensuring a good life for them is our responsibility. In this context, this 2-day workshop presented a good opportunity to work out strategies for the future.

PM Narendramodi Speech at launch of Smart Cities Mission - AMRUT:

Identified Places of 100 Smart Cities are:>

Identifies places of AMRUT


  • AMRUT accomodates a project approach to ensure basic infrastructure services relating to water supply, sewerage, management, storm water drains, transport and development of green spaces and parks with special provision for meeting the needs of children.
  • This mission will be implemented in 500 cities and towns with a population of one lakh and above, with some cities located on the stems of main river, a few capital cities and important cities located in hilly areas, islands and tourist spots. 
  • The AMRUT abstract  to replace Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) and has been allotted Rs.50,000 crore.
  • It is to be thankful that the States will get substantial operational flexibility in designing schemes based on the needs of identified cities and also in the execution and monitoring of the schemes
  • States are expected to submit the State Annual Action Plans to the Centre for broad concurrence based on which funds will be released. This is a departure from JNNURM wherein, the Union government appraised individual projects.
  • Central assistance will be to the extent of 50 percent of project cost for cities and towns with a population of upto 10 lakh and one-third of the project cost for those with a population of above 10 lakh. This assistance will be released in three instalments, in the ratio of 20:40:40, based on the achievement of milestones indicated in State Annual Action Plans.
  • The objective of both the Smart Cities Mission and AMRUT, is to meet the challenges of growing urbanisation in a sustainable manner. In other words, ensure that development benefits the poor as much as others, through better employment opportunities and increased access to urban spaces.

Under this AMRUT Scheme, 100 selected cities will get funds amounting to Rs.100 crore per year for the next five years.

>Special emphasis will be given to participation of citizens in prioritising and planning urban interventions.

>The cities will be selected through a 'city challenge competition' that will be conducted in each state. States will then shortlist a smart city based on specified norms.

>Focus of this mission is to be on core infrastructure services such as clean water supply, power supply, robust IT connectivity, governance, e-governance and citizen participation, safety and security of citizens, health, education and sustainable urban environment.

>The objective of building 100 smart cities is to promote adoption of smarter solutions for efficient use of available resources, assets and infrastructure. This is to enhance the quality of urban life and promote a clean and sustainable environment.

>The smart city action plans will be implemented by Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV) that will be set up for every city and state government to mobilise resources accordingly.